Monday, 21 March 2016

Life-have many ways

Sometimes i wonder how a thought can alone bring a feeling of success and failure..
I am a very optimistic person,recover soon from everything almost.,and this attitude had been generated through reading,yeah!!i love to read good stuff,books like mind power,power of subconscious mind,power of thoughts..etc etc
And what i had discovered through my thought process is that you doesn't need to change your environment to change ur mood & life.Our thoughts have the power.I know many of you have read it several times,even while writing i am also thinking that this is not new! but it is new to me in terms of realization.See we all know that theoretical and practical life are so different,when we are off track we try to change our mood,by reading by outing etc etc,but these are on temporary basis.And when it comes about real life,about problems,about people who are really annoying,fake people,failure etc then all the good stuff flushes out of our mind and we are like  shit what the hell!!!
As we are not saint, this is but obvious that we would feel bad,we can't just say like its ok,this is materialistic world,we should detach ourselves from everything,blah blah!!! This is really cant possible.Some one had said WE should not expect anything,our expectation hurts us!! OH really???i mean how this is possible,that being a human with infinite caliber & possibilities,with this much of intelligence we should not use our head,just because if we will do, this may hurt us!! ohh come on!!
I think our expectation are the only reason for our growth!As an student if i am studying than i am expecting a good score,and if i ll not set a goal(which is obviously generated through my expectation),why would i study then???

See its not about following,its about knowing!!Many proverbs said by peoples are all based on their personal experience,and if they suits you then follow other let them be...
Be intelligent in your way,See just a thought can change your mood,an emotion which is an energy in motion can bring goods to you.Life is not about struggling,its about enjoying and i don't think their is any such thing called failure because that was an attempt only!! Determining it as a failure or a victory is your choice.I know success taste better but failure too does.Failure determines your personality,your maturity.And we should learn to be stable,to be peaceful from inside.By doing this you generate a sense that everything happens is just a part of journey,nothing is forever.
And then when your problems,your sorrows,your failure will arise you will RECOVER VERY SOON...very soon..

Monday, 14 March 2016


Every where people are talking about women empowerment.Everywhere people are posting the status of women in the society,value of women in a society,role of women in society, blah blah..but do really they care???????I don't think so!!!As a girl,i know what we girls face in day to day life.And eve teasing,taunting,hooting we are so much use to of it that these things doesn't bother us even!!!
But apart from all this,apart from all changes in society i still feel that their is no place for us to stand! I don't know why parents think,if a girl had completed its graduation then she must got married,otherwise she ll be over aged!why they think that their future is all about being a GOOD housewife!!Why???In India i think most of the families(maximum of them)thinks that having a girl child is curse to them!!  why???I had seen to what extend girls can feel the pain of parents which a boy can't even realize that it exist even!! I am not saying that boys are not responsible,of-course they are,but its about emotions,& i strongly believe that girls have stronger emotions than males.I think that word "male dominant society" is still a backbone to the society,if u ll go with statics than this so called safe society for women is still a myth.Even today we don't have a choice to live freely,to think freely,to act freely..don't do this!! don't laugh like this!! don't shout like this!! its not safe outside!!! u should not wear this!!! its your fault!!! I think these phrases are just for girls only!! we have the copyright! i never had seen the parents telling their boy ,that its not safe outside! why???don't they have respect(that can be exploited)???
well apart from everything,what my personal opinion is,women really don't need any kind of empowerment rather the society needs to raise its mentality :)

Friday, 11 March 2016

Want to share my VICTORY

I was quite busy these days.Well i was involved in writing a research paper,And i am feeling happy to share this good news,that my research paper had been published in  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (IJRACCE).

My subject was Antivirus. I had done a research on antivirus to make it an advance antivirus.

ABSTRACT: Antivirus is a program that identified and removed a particular type of malware that is known as VIRUSES. But in day today life, the working area has increased and now antivirus programs are useful for preventing infections caused by many types of malware, including worms, Trojan horses, root kits, spyware, key loggers, ransom ware and adware. As all antiviruses available in market works on same technology, therefore it seems like even the most up-to-date malware package isn’t always enough. The major problems associated with today’s antivirus technology are, “That your antivirus software has not yet been updated to know how to detect it” and “your system application software has not been yet patched to fix whatever vulnerability the virus exploits” .The most popular antivirus applications on the market are rendered useless by around 80percent of new malware, according to AusCERT. Most important function of any antivirus is virus scan engine. It scans the information and if the viruses are detected, it disinfects them. The information can be scanned in different ways like through size, pattern matching, heuristic. These methods have their pros and cons. If the antivirus program uses virus signature mechanism then it must update it at least once a day because 15 new viruses we discovered every day. If an antivirus left for two or more days without updating it cause a serious danger. so new advancement in needed into the antivirus to make it advance antivirus (AAV).This paper involves some new techniques which would not only cure pre-existing malicious files, but also all those unseen new malicious file.

I am thankful to Pradeep sir and Aayushi mam & Ankuj sir for their support.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Internet of Things(IOT)

Have you heard about IOT???
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects devices,vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics,software, sensors, and network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.
Isn't it sounds great?
This IOT encompasses smart home,smart cities,intelligent transportation and much more.It is estimated that IOT would be having 50 million objects till 2020. 

                             APPLICATION OF IOT:      
*Environmental monitoring:using sensor for protection. 
*Infrastructure management:Monitoring and control operations of urban and rural infrastructures like bridges,railway tracks, on- and offshore- wind-farms is a key application of the IoT.            
*Home and building automation,medical and health care,energy management,transportation...etc etc..

In nearer future this technology would be ruling all over,and every person would be having a benefit of technology.
 Although the main concern in every technology is of its security,therfore while devloping this power,its counter major should also be taken in consideration.
Rest world must see towards possibility becz one who can develope things he can manipulate them too..