Its really hard to be with people who are so judgmental , for no reason people judge you, no matter they know you or not, no matter they ever had a conversation with you,people use to judge.
Even they themselves are too annoying they will judge you!!! And as we are not saint we would surely get affected. What is the best way to keep yourself calm in such condition???
Recently i figure out that this is the problem everyone is dealing with. So i decided to find out the solution for this problem. First of all to all those haters just "look at yourself"!! Those who are telling you how to live, ask them are they happy with their life??? Do they lie somewhere close to perfection even??? Is their life perfect??? Is everybody happy with them?? Had they got everything they want??? ask them! Its very easy to be a preacher! People define limits,they define your boundaries,they use to tell do's and don't!! why????
Who give you right to judge?when you don't know others,when you can't predict anyone's feeling,when you cant catch any ones intention how could you define them??? Life should be simpler but such shits won't allow you to be peaceful... but now i got the way First kick out such shits out of your life!!! don't allow such people to be a part of your life. Just say them i cant match your level. All relations either formal or close ones should be in binary form, either yes or no... Don't hang people in your live, Put the fear aside and show them the way out of your life. I had realized ,a one negative person can spoil your life,and a good one can make you lively . I had seen people,living life with people they are not happy with, but have a fear to loose them,guys they are already out of your life so no need to hold them,relation are in active state only when you both are happy,otherwise they are like lifeless body. Just free yourself by letting them go.
Now second kind of person who are not a part of your life but then too they are so distracting,for such people i found a very easy way,just don't listen what they say,simple!!! if anyone is telling you than say them i am not interested because less you will listen more you will be peaceful. I had seen people are so interested in knowing what other say about them if its in their favor then they feel good but if it is against than for several day your mind got a subject to converse. Avoid such condition just don't listen them. That's as simple as that!!
See life is very precious,really very precious don't spoil it because of people who aren't happy with themselves even. Just live your life, have some time for yourself, just enjoy your presence. Don't relay on others for happiness. Remember you are not here to serve others, you are not here to fulfill their expectations, you are here to live your life,you are here to fill your dreams, you are here to enjoy humanity. So just listen to your breaths, figure out what makes you lively. Just be self dependent....