“You, yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~The Buddha
These days,self help programs,self-love,self-healing,etc etc things are on the air.
We all are trying to maintain peace with ourselves,trying hard to be calm,trying hard to live instead of just spending life!!And in all these things,Without even thinking about it,we are being too hard on ourselves.
I found people reading great stuff,watching beautiful & motivating videos,and trying to change the mood,and following all possible ways in order to make peace,and these things works even,but on temporary basis only,and you know what is the reason?
The reason is,we just read,listen and follow,we does not accept things..
I am a kind of spiritual person,it doesn't meant like saint,religious or something, its just that am much interested in knowing self,knowing how life works,how are feelings of like & dislike differs through our mind.....etc etc.
I too use to read alot,i had gone through many books like "the power of subconscious mind,master key system,science of getting rice,life is a gift,secret,shakti,as a men thinketh,thought vibrations" and many more..
And i do believe this that "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body".
And this is very important ,what you feed to your mind,if you ll read great stuff,u ll become good,u ll feel a positive kind of energy in you,and this would surely last long.But here the matter of fact is that, reading too comes under temporary method of self healing.
What i had discover very effective for me is that,try to converse more and more with you,i mean do as much you can.Just talk with yourself like you are talking to third person.
Actually i found that our mind is the main hero!!our mind has ability to win,to win any situation,our mind has infinite calibre.
So the more you train your mind the more stable you become.
We all are humans,and we easily get affected by situation,by words.So when anyone questions our calibre ,our abilities,our life,our relation,we just loose our control,and this is because of the instabilities inside us.
So to generate this stability, start talking to yourself,because we usually get affected by people from our day-to-day life.So when you ll give all your attention to yourself than in few days you yourself would feel a sense of stability in you!!
Life is all about happiness,peace,love,laughter.Just enjoy it :)
And talk more and more With the MOST OUTSTANDING person of this world :)
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