Friday, 5 February 2016

Brain Fingerprinting

Brain finger printing is the computer technology use to determine hidden information in individual's brain,by measuring electrical brain wave response to words,pictures & phrases presented on computer screen.
These brain signals are measured through  MERMER (Memory and Encoding Related Multifaceted Electroencephalographic Response).Actually a headband is fitted in the individual's head, then the pictures are shown to the suspect,then the individual mind response to them,the brain signals generated are captured by P300, and by analyzing the pattern the suspect can be known.

How this technology works????
It have 4 phases:
1.Crime scene evidence collection: In this phase the evidences are collected from crime scene.
2.Brain evidence collection: A specialist verify weather the evidence collected from crime scene and information from brain matches!
3.Computer evidence analysis : computerized analysis is done on brain evidence & statistical method is used.
4.Scientific result: finding weather a person is guilty or not.

Basically three colors are used RED,BLUE,GREEN.

RED: signifies that suspect is expected to know some information regarding crime.
GREEN: signifies that suspect does not know anything.
BLUE: signify the information of crime that only criminal would know.

This technology is 99% percentage accurate.
*Detecting the record of crime.
*Terrorist act.
etc etc

Brain fingerprinting does not detect lies,it simply detects information,Even no question are asked during this test,the individual neither tells the truth nor tells lie.It is just a information collection test through brain.

ISN'T it amazing??

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